Amp Up Your Intentions with Reiki & Meditation

Manifestation is all about calling something into your life through your energetic actions. And Reiki is all about tapping into universal life force energy and channeling those vibrations for your highest good — or the highest good of others. Because both practices are energetic by nature, they are an excellent combination for setting intentions and bringing those intentions to fruition. When manifesting, you intend to bring something in your heart into existence. But manifestation isn’t just about wishing or willing something into existence. It’s about your choices, actions, attention, and how you align those with the results you seek — it’s about your energy. Intentions are statements of purpose to help us derive a specific course of action. Spontaneity is also a positive aspect and can provide benefits; however, setting intentions can also help us develop and maintain a specific purpose toward which we can direct our focus.

Intention Assists Healing Establishing and stating an intention before a Reiki session assists the healing process in essential ways.
Gaining Clarity
Prior to each Reiki treatment, I allow 15 minutes or more for the client to share any concerns they wish to address. Based on this conversation, we establish an intention or focus for the session. The intention may be a desire to relieve neck and shoulder tension, alleviate chemotherapy side effects, relieve chronic pain, heal an injury, recover from surgery, assist with the grieving process, or reduce animosity in a relationship.

Establishing an intention helps the client get clear about what they want, which is the first step in accomplishing any goal. Clarity regarding the desired outcome also allows the client to be more receptive to the full benefits of the treatment and open to receiving insights that assist the healing process.

Stating the intention I state the client’s intention in prayer before starting the treatment, hold the intention while I give the treatment, and restate it as a positive affirmation as I close the treatment. Stating the intention further anchors it in the client’s conscious mind and announces the desired outcome to the Higher Power and Reiki guides, making it easier for them to assist with the healing process. Holding the intention in consciousness during the treatment increases the session's effectiveness. Affirming the intention at the close of the treatment anchors it in the client's subconscious mind and indicates trust that healing is accomplished.

Following the session
Clarity regarding the desired outcome supports the healing that continues following the session. It helps the client to be more aware of the changes brought about by the treatment and to be more receptive to intuitive information that can assist in completing the healing process in the days or weeks following the session. Establishing and working with intention has been an essential component of my Reiki sessions for many years. After the first or second session, regular clients often come to their sessions with their intention already decided. However, they may choose to modify it as we talk before beginning the treatment. I also teach the process to my students, and participants use it during my Reiki Circles.

The Higher Power and the Recipient determine healing.
It is important to remember that while the client’s intention has been stated and, I believe, facilitates the healing process, whatever healing takes place in a session is between the recipient and the Higher Power. As one of my clients put it: “You get the healing you need, not necessarily the healing you think you want.”

See you soon!